We are all unique

When it gets down to basics, we laugh, we cry, we live and we die. All so simple, yet when the fabric of our spirit is torn in fear or we're stuck in ungrounded misgivings, it is we who make our lives tougher.

Embrace those reservations; dare to care, kick fear to the curb, nurture our planet and fellow inhabitants, reach out to the less fortunate, and evolve a stronger, more loving and nurturing person. Live life to the fullest while reaching out to fellow life travelers. Each of us is most important. Smiles spread as does anger. SMILES take less muscles than frowns and feel better. First wish that happiness were much more contagious, then help make it so! Spread miles of smiles (the glow is already starting).

Everyone matters, each of us makes a difference and we each have a voice.  FEAR BITES. Anger begets anger, fear begets fear and smiles beget smiles. Which one do we want to go for? No contest! Choose well and live well; spread the word and make it so.

Imagination, spirit and ACTION!
Without action, the best intentions are irrelevant and wasteful.  The only thing that we do know for sure is that life ends. We scurry to elude reality...OR...we choose to treasure the moments, walk to the light and fulfill our dreams. Dream well and live them all; now! Time's a ticking.

Miles of smiles.
Happiness and smiles, what nice things to catch. Even nicer when we help create more.


The eye of the storm...
and the tranquility and peace that can follow, if we find our way. Sure hope some of my creative energies and expressions help motivate and make positive differences for us all. One earth, one spirit.


Pigs need love too!! - We helped our furry friends become dependent on us, let's stay with them and love them.

Spay Pets - Please spay pets, hunger hurts and there are just too many homeless animals that need help.


Home Sweet Home


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